17 febbraio 1983 – “Genuine fairy tale” by Janet Maslin – “The New York Times“: “Ferness casts its spell over Mac, who arrives there jealously guarding his battery-powered briefcase, and eventually becomes one of the place’s more relaxed denizens. It ought to have a similar effect on the audience, and seduce the viewer just as gradually. The charm and humor of Local Hero are so very understated…..”
12 marzo 2015 – “The film that makes me cry” by Bill Mann – “The Guardian“ : “He pulls from his coat pocket a handful of pebbles and shells and spreads them out on the work surface. The scene fades to black, then reopens 4,500 miles away, where, on the harbourside of a small Scottish fishing village, we hear ringing from an empty red phonebox”
17 maggio 2013 – “It’s a film I adore” by Pascal Wise – “The Guardian“ : “Staring at the night sky, hoping for the aurora borealis? Happer, the head of Knox Oil and Gas – played by Burt Lancaster – is an astronomy obsessive who insists Mac calls in with sky reports: “Anything out of the ordinary, you telephone me. Night or day”
10 dicembre 2012 – “Local Hero still breaks my heart” by Daley James Francis – “Huffington Post“ : “The section of the film that is truly awe inspiring is the dance, where generations come together and Mac gets drunk and is finally sold. In a hilarious and touching scene, Mac offers to swap lives with Urquhart – a swap that will include Stella in the deal. He tells Urquhart over a whiskey that “I’ll be a……”
27 febbraio 2013 – “Local Hero: A 30th Anniversary ceilidh” by Donald Liebenson – “Chicago Sun / Times / Huff Post“ : “Riegert agrees. “The magic was on the set, the special effects were the story and the people,” he said. Several of Local Heros most memorable, off-center moments were improvised. At one point, Mac is chatting with a group of fisherman and nonchalantly asks the parentage of a baby who is present..”
15 febbraio 1983 – “Constantly surprising” by Todd McCarthy – “Variety“ : “Just when it appears that Riegert has finally struck a deal with the locals, a major snag crops up and Lancaster himself turns up on the beach to iron things out. Although it’s been well prepared for, ending nevertheless comes off a unconvincing, given the economic imperatives of the oil business. Riegert’s underplaying initially……..”
21 luglio 2003 – “This is a perfect film” by Gary Panton – “The Movie Gazette“ : “Having found more friends within this tiny population than a lifetime in the big city, and captivated by the beautiful beachside surroundings, Mac soon finds himself not wanting to leave. The villagers, meanwhile, have more than a few surprises tucked up their sleeves….”
3 maggio 1996 – “Mark Knopfler stages comeback as Local Hero” by UN – “The Herald Scotland / Sunday Herald“ : “It was a nostalgic return for the former Dire Straits guitarist who was last in Pennan 13 years ago for the filming of Local Hero for which he composed the musical soundtrack. Yesterday, after unveiling a plaque on the wall of the Pennan Inn – opposite the world’s most famous….”
17 febbraio 2013 – “Q&A Special: The Making of Local Hero” by Jasper Reese – “The Arts Desk” : “Local Hero was released 30 years ago this weekend. No British film from the Eighties can lay claim to quite such lasting and deep-seated affection as Bill Forsyth’s modest masterpiece – not even Chariots of Fire, which was David Puttnam’s previous triumph as a producer”
15 aprile 1983 – “Here is a small film to treasure” by Roger Ebert – “Directors’ Guild of America” : “Here is a small film to treasure, a loving, funny, understated portrait of a small Scottish town and its encounter with a giant oil company. The town is tucked away in a sparkling little bay, and is so small that everybody is well aware of everybody else’s foibles. The oil company is run by an eccentric……”
Osservando le mie mani, ho visto granelli dei ricordi cadere tra le dita, uno dopo l’altro, e andare perduti per sempre. Con questo contenitore magari ne salverò qualcuno, per chi, in futuro, sarà interessato a capire cosa io fossi.
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